Typescript by default

Yann Gouffon — January 23rd, 2019

— What a click bait title?!?
— I know, right?

So, TypeScript is not new stuff, but it became more and more popular in the JavaScript community those days and this is why is great to use it by default in your JavaScript projects.

— But TypeScript is an alternative language to JavaScript, right?
— Yeah... no

Unlike CoffeeScript, ELM, Reason or any kind of languages that produce executable JavaScript, TypeScript is still your beloved ECMAScript syntax, plus some cool features like type definition, interfaces, etc. Basically, it's half an extended version of JavaScript, half a compiler like Babel.

— But you can also compile TypeScript code with Babel
— I know, right?

Anyway, you can see TypeScript like Sass or SCSS. Even if your styles are compiled with Sass, you can still use only plain old CSS syntax. There is no obligation of using Sass features. It's the same thing with TypeScript; it's not mandatory to define types or to use all of the good stuff brought by it. It means that theoretically, you can already use TypeScript on all your existing JavaScript projects. Cool, right?

Now it's time to dig in the small configuration required by each kind of project. It's impossible to describe them all, we'll start with the most popular ones (for me). But remember, with it actual popularity, there is plugins, modules or even core support for TypeScript in almost all libraries and framework.

Node/Express server

First, you'll need some new dependencies to execute your TypeScript code:

1$ npm install --save typescript @types/node ts-node 2# or 3$ yarn add typescript @types/node ts-node

Then, you'll need to change the default classic nodemon start command in your package.json:

1{ 2 "scripts": { 3 "start": "nodemon --exec 'ts-node' src/index.ts localhost 8080" 4 } 5}

The only difference with your usual configuration, the executable is overrode as ts-node instead of the default node and your entry point is now a .ts file. As you may understand at this point, your files will not be .js anymore, but .ts (obvious, I know).

Finally, you need a new tsconfig.json file at your project's root (like in any TypeScript project) for the related configuration. Something like:

1{ 2 "compilerOptions": { 3 "outDir": "./dist", 4 "allowJs": true, 5 "lib": ["esnext"], 6 "target": "es5" 7 }, 8 "include": ["./src/**/*"], 9 "exclude": ["node_modules", "__tests__"] 10}

And that's it! Now your app's code will like something like:

1import * as express from 'express'; 2import { homeCtrl, aboutCtrl } from './controllers'; 3 4const app = express(); 5const port: number = 8080; 6 7app.get('/', homeCtrl); 8app.get('/about', aboutCtrl); 9 10app.listen(port, () => console.log(`Typescript app listening on port ${port}!`));

📦 Play with the CodeSandbox example!

import in Node projects without Webpack :heart_eyes:

React applications

Good news if you're using react-create-app, it's already embedded in it! The only thing you must do is to use the following command:

1npx create-react-app my-app --typescript 2# or 3yarn create react-app my-app --typescript

Same difference for file extensions here, .jsx will be transformed to .tsx. Nothing else change from your favorite React architecture.

Next.js applications

Because SSR is more than a trendy thing, you'll maybe also add TypeScript to your Next.js powered project. To do that, just use the official plugin with:

1$ npm install --save @zeit/next-typescript 2# or 3$ yarn add @zeit/next-typescript

And follow the official recipe.

Gatsby websites

Same thing here, official plugin, great doc.

1$ npm install --save gatsby-plugin-typescript 2# or 3$ yarn add gatsby-plugin-typescript


As you can see, it's a fairly easy process to create a new project or even moving an existing one with TypeScript and still keeping your favorite JavaScript stack. There is no reason in the world, that will prevent you for using TypeScript. Trust me:wink:

See also the official migration guide

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